Elastic Band Tethers – axilla

The axilla is perhaps the most dynamically complex area of the body when it comes to form and function. A thick, transversely oriented, fascia-like band runs through the Cinderella Layer in continuity with the medial arm and chest fascia. Acting like an elastic tether to the dermis, it maintains a hollow contour to the armpit throughout the huge range of motion of the arm at the shoulder joint. These attachments also reinforce a musculoskeletal stop that protects the major nerves running through your axilla to your arms and hands from stretch injuries as you reach for the sky. In addition, a honeycomb pattern of long, vertical and oblique elastic tethers extend deep into the axillary hollow helping to maintain its unique shape.



Accordion-Like Tethers – elbow, knee and finger joints


Neck Tethers